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A-lift Facial Milton Keynes

A-lift Facial Treatments Milton Keynes

Let me introduce the A-Lift machine, which Nouveau Skin Therapy developed. The results of this machine have astounded and impressed the beauty industry, celebrities and journalists alike. It comes with high medical credibility and with clinical evidence results. When I first got this machine, I offered my clients to come and have just one session to try it out and see what they thought before investing their money in a course. The results were excellent, everyone who had it loved it, and nearly every client went on to purchase a course or another treatment - that speaks volumes.

What is A Lift?

This machine is revolutionary in skin health and is proven to fight the signs of ageing - it works on a cellular level and produces up to 500% more ATP (this is the chemical fuel in our bodies). Our cells are like batteries that slow down as they get older. A Lift will re-energise the cells to do what they did when they were younger. So this treatment is not just for more mature skin (although our skin is considered mature by the age of 25!). It will even improve the appearance of younger skin. It will tighten, tone, firm, hydrate, lift and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and when used in combination with the Dermatude products, it will further enhance your results.

What is the technology used?

A Lift uses nano current and microcurrent technology that works on the cells and the muscles and, in simple terms, tones the muscles to lift the face and improves the cell's health to enable it to look younger and fresher.

What can you expect?

Relaxation and results! - this is not only a lovely facial to have, but it does work! You will notice results from the first session, and they will continue throughout the treatments. The results last up to 6 months with regular maintenance appointments. Thanks to the innovative science behind A Lift, the effects of ageing can be dramatically improved and reversed with non-surgical treatment. It is fantastic for lifting saggy eyelids and is the only non-invasive machine I am aware of that can work on the eyelids. We have even developed a package for just the eye area using the A Lift and Radio Frequency combined that gives a powerful result (click here for info).

A Lift will improve

Lasting effects

You will notice a difference from the very first A Lift. This is because everybody's skin needs are different. Therefore, we can combine other state of the art technologies to give you the best possible result. Dermatude products are used in all of our facials and are our recommended home care products to continue the benefits between your sessions. We offer a free consultation to determine the best course of action for your particular skin needs.


Express A Lift facial (30 mins) is recommended for younger skins looking for improved hydration and a fresher & radiant complexion.

1 session - £30
A course of 10 - £270

Anti-ageing A Lift (60 mins) is recommended for more mature skin with concerns of fine lines & wrinkles, slack, loose skin.

1 session - £45
A course of 10 - £450 with 5x FREE sessions of Radio Frequency (worth £200).

A Lift Eye treatment

If your eyes are your primary concern, this is great for lifting saggy, droopy eyelids.

1 session - £30
A course of 10 - £300 with 5x FREE sessions of Radio Frequency (worth £100)